First, I must thank Nov aka Alan for being so kind-hearted to help me get these parts at discounted prices. These are basically: Tamiya Aluminium Universal DriveShaft, And Rear Diffrential joint(TB Evo5)
Interesting fact: It IS in fact xanda's But through hearsay, it was said to belong to Nov before Xanda....
Ok.... This was done last friday. When i had trouble initiating drifts. JK, Helped me to Lock The Diffrential. It was one of the best configs i did for my kit. Just halfway through locking... Jk broke it.... Lol. So he gave me his Aluminium TB03 spare part.... FOC(Free of Charge) Hehe....
Lesson of The Week: Locking Diffrential, locking the front will give a higher corner entry speed, as according to FF cars, the front tires have majority of the power to pull the car into a corner. this is a tradeoff though.... a slow exit speed, as the Back wheels do not have to power to pull forward to bring it out and the centre of gravity is slow in retaining its original postion.
Locking the rear, will give fast exit speed, which is good, as the tires can power the vehicle inertia forward and shift back its Center of gravity... this allows the wheels to gain grip and thus pull away from the opponent. But Slow entry speed is expected on entry, as the back tires have to move almost the whole car weight forward just after CG change.
Locking Both, (No Idea yet... Only JK knows, so i'll try it and see if it coincides with his knowledge)
This Setting is Very important, as both have its own good points and bad points, it just depends on your choice and playing style. BUT too much setting is bad, it becomes too complicated, making the vehicle worse than normal, if done too much. Thats why settings are done only a few weeks later, Newbies like me need time to get used to the car, know its inside out, then we can initiate the tuning aka "Process Of Perfection"
As what Drifters always say:"The problem lies with not the car, its the driver"
Saturday is the NP-SP Combined Training, i will bring back pics and post them.
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